Sunday, February 14, 2010

Hello and welcome to An Altitude Problem, where it got better. Yes, so soon. I forget so very easily that there will be a slower day. Yesterday, I thought it would never happen. Then suddenly today, only four arrivals. Without warning, I had a slowish day. Okay, I could not go to Breck, where they had eleven inches of fresh pow last night, but had to go to work instead... but I was done working by 2:30, and back home, bags of groceries (well, not exactly groceries, but lots of feel good food- smoothie ingredients and sweets) over my arms, and Bobby was there, and I had started a fire before I went to work, so the house was warm. All afternoon, Bobby watched cars make left hand turns and I spread a mess out on the kitchen table and painted. My ultimate therapy. There is nothing like creating. Every brushstroke is rushed, hurrying toward the finished product, impatient to see what it will be. After it is done, I am disappointed, still wanting to be in the world of snow-laden trees and shadowed mountain crags emerging from the blank white surface of the old snowboard deck my friend gave me last Thursday. Add that to the yoga in my warm living room this morning before work, a bit interrupted by the dog who wanted to eat my yoga mat, and who eventually claimed the mat and fell asleep on it, and who was so extremely gassy there was no way for me to breathe deeply and rhythmically. And Bobby taking Andy out for a walk while I finished the painting, and now, I am on the couch watching the Olympics, all the cute, fit athletes and all the dreams coming true, getting the chance of a lifetime to be the best of the best...I am feeling much, much more cheerful. What do you know.

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