Tuesday, June 19, 2007

I should be working...

Hello... I am sorry, this will not be the extensive report that my faithful readers have come to expect. I am in a bit of a hurry. I am supposed to be packing for two nights in Kansas, but instead, here I sit writing, because anything is better than packing and cleaning.

Ok, first photo is of your favorite blogger and her hiking pardner. Not that you can tell, but the cataract which gives Lower Cataract Lake it's name is behind us. This was the evening after I posted those pictures on my last post. I had 15 miles of running, two hours of wondering around the annual Frisco BBQ cook-off, a massive ingested smoked turkey leg, a brief reboot at the house, then a two mile hike and a five hundred foot climb over massive boulders, logged in the last ten hours. I am aware that I appear a bit bedraggled. B of course was still fairly fresh, having done it all with me except the fifteen mile run from dillon to breckenridge. Hey, I did it, by the way.(except for the few minutes I spent taking those pictures...) That was four days ago. Havent put on my running shoes since. I guess now I have to either fish or cut bait as far as the marathon goes. Ask me later how that's coming...

Anyway, that night, we forgot it was the weekend, so we packed the tent Uncle Leroy and Aunt Mary gave me when I graduated from eighth grade, grabbed some firewood, and fully planned on camping. We remained unaware that it was the weekend until we tried to find a campsite, and every single available flat spot of ground was claimed. By the time we got done with our hike, everyone was settled in. We settled for our big, soft bed. Kind of wonderful, actually, after my day.

The second picture is of Lower Cataract Lake, in those last still moments just before dark. For Bobby, I think it was in these
moments he became excited about backpacking, along the trail which runs from this point, at the end of the Gore Range, past our backdoor twenty five miles away, where the gore range begins. (Or begins and ends, vice versa, depending on which end of it you are on...) He's not quite so excited about it anymore. Why? Cause a day later, we did it. No, not the whole thing, just thirteen hours worth, interrupted by one night on the trail. But, my friends, that is a story for another time. I do not have the time right now.
In the meantime, we are preparing to make another flying trip to Kansas, first thing in the morning. We found a buyer for the boat. If we'd'a known we would sell it to a Scott Citian, we would not have gone to all the effort to haul it up here, for one several-hour session on the lake! We would have just left it in Kansas. But, hey. We dont mind, we'll probably take it out to Cedar Bluff Reservior in KS for the day tomorrow, ski and wakeboard like there aint no tomorrow (cause there aint), spend tomorrow night on the same lakeshore where we have spent some of the best summer nights of our lives, those nights of just being kids, with family, friends, flaming marshmallows and wine coolers, then we'll give it a few polishing farewell swipes, a full tank of gas, and drop it off at it's new home the next day. Hopefully it's new family has as much fun with it as we have.
So for now, bon voyage (did I use that right? I think you're supposed to say it to me, actually...), check back in several days for more reportin'!

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