Tuesday, June 20, 2006

defending champion

I knew it was idiotic, but it had to be done in the name of, well, the thing which motivates a very large number of idiotic things. Being first. We are still experiencing the tail end of peak run-off, the lake was full, the morning was beautiful, and the glassy surface beckoned. There was nothing to do but the obvious thing. I put it off until the wind picked up and whipped the glassy surface of the lake into something resembling the surface of the Kansas lakes we are used to skiing on- I knew it would be cold. But as Mr.B. turned the boat toward the shore, I found myself digging for the ski rope, and heard myself proclaiming I would water ski, in spite of the fact that three weeks ago, most of the water in the lake was nestled in some high mountain crag in the form of snow. I am psyched- it was one of our biggest worries, that we would not be able to have the sort of sun-drenched, waterlogged fun we had in Kansas in the summers. Ski I did, after easing myself into a lake which turned my extremities numb before my ski planed. Call me crazy, but have YOU been in the water yet? Looks like I get the distinction of being the first one in the water, three years running. The most frusterating thing about my record of wins is that nobody cares, nobody launches themself off the bow in order to break my record. Not only does it go unbroken, it goes unchallenged. I have married into a very complacent family. I race to the summit of a twelve thousand foot peak, and between gasps, turn around to gloat my victory... to find that no one else is playing. I tie my hiking shoes, thinking I will shame someone out of the house, but they just ask me if I have my phone. Oh, I love them dearly, every one, but they're just so darned... mature. Oh, well. I still do my victory dance, because deep down, I know they wish it had been them rubbing feeling back into their fingers and toes.


Anonymous said...

Good Job Susan. Love that fun loving personality. I would have skied with you had I been in Colorado. See you soon, Love, Aunt Linda

Anonymous said...

congrats to the amphibian one! we are proud of you...

Anonymous said...

Aunt Linda- You know, we have an extra bedroom or two, and even extra life jackets... Susan

Anonymous said...

You go girl! Where were you when we fished for king crab in the Bering Sea, some years ago? We could of used a person like you as a member of the deck team...someone of true grit, brawn, determination, and unending stamina...as in 24/7 physical endurance.

Yea, we invented the whole 24/7 thing (and also wrote the book, thank you) before it became a business lexicon. Back in those days, when some potential crewmember inquired about the rigors of crewing in that lucratve fishery, one would just say: "Hey pal, if you think you can play NFL football and do the salt-water-cowboy dance on the bucking aft deck, around the clock, for all of October, November, and December in ALL weather...non-stop, have at it".

If and when you actually survived it all, and returned to Dutch Harbor, you could walk away on dry land with the satisfaction of no one ever calling you a greenhorn. Many though they would be chosen to come aboard one of the thoroughbreds of the fleet, but few were ever taken out to sea.

Anonymous said...

Norm? Was that you that just posted? Hey, bring on the Alaska memories!

Frog's Mom

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